Wild Birds Unlimited is a Hobby Shop in Huntington Beach, CA

Wild Birds Unlimited is a hobby shop in Huntington Beach, CA that offers the best backyard bird feeding experience possible. Our Certified Birdfeeding Specialists™ are trained to show you how to make a bird feeding habitat in your yard. With more than 25 years of research, our products are designed to the highest standard of backyard bird feeder equipment on the market today.

We are confident of our bird house designs, and we carry a lifetime guarantee. Besides feeders, we also offer the freshest bird food in town. Our exclusive brands are fresh and formulated from 100% edible seed that backyard birds will love. We also feature a selection of bird baths to offer your aerial visitors a place to cool off.

We are not just a birdseed store. We are Your Backyard Birdfeeding Specialist® and we are a hobby shop that will help you, your family and nature together.

What Makes Us Proud
  • Our Products are Designed to be the Highest Quality Birdfeeders
  • We Give the Most Accurate Information About Local Birds
  • We Have the Freshest Birdseed in Town
Locations Served
  • Huntington Beach, CA
  • Surrounding Areas